Tamerlan Tsarnaev Burial Spot: Paul Douglas Keane Offers Plot To Deceased Boston Bombing Suspect
Tamerlan Tsarnaev
A Vermont man is offering to donate a burial plot to deceased Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
Tsarnaev's family has struggled for weeksto find a location willing to bury him.
On Monday, Yale Divinity School graduatePaul Douglas Keane offered Tsarnaev's family a burial plot at Mt. Carmel Cemetery in Hamden, Conn., according to the the New Haven Register.
The retired schoolteacher made the offer via a post on his blog, The Anti-Yale. In the post, he noted that he owns the plot, which is adjacent to the spot where his mother is buried.
“The only condition is that I do it in memory of my mother who taught Sunday School at the Mt. Carmel Congregational Church for forty years and taught me to love thine enemy,” Keane wrote.
It is unclear if the Tsarnaev family has learned of the offer.
Tsarnaev and his younger brother, Dzhokhar, who remains in a prison hospital, are accused of detonating the two bombs at the Boston Marathon in April that killed three and injured more than 200. After a tense manhunt across Boston in the days following the bombing, Tsarnaev died in a gun battle with police on April 19.
Keane told the Register he made the offer to Tsarnaev's family because he felt it was the right thing to do.
“This person, I don’t care what a pariah he is, everybody deserves a burial, so I’m willing to make this offer,” Keane told the Register in an interview. “I also think it would be a nice thing to do in memory of my mother, who did teach me to love thine enemy.”
The 68-year-old, who holds over 17 years of higher education, says that he already has a burial plot picked out for himself in Vermont and does not have a use for the two vacant lots next to his parents in the Hamden cemetery, according to CBS Connecticut.