Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Payton Gendron Shooting Massacre Buffalo New York May 14
“We have people who are racists. We have people who don’t like us because of the color of our skin and that’s what happened today. He had nigger written on the tip of the gun and he has a manifesto. I was told, which I don’t know, that he planned on killing more people, basically going down the street, randomly shooting people,” Buffalo, N.Y. resident Cariol Horne said. She was speaking in the aftermath of a racial massacre executed by a “gleeful” Payton Gendron, who police say plotted and carried out the worst mass murder of 2022.

A mother, grandmother, anti-police brutality and community advocate, Ms. Horne was in a meeting about violence in her hometown. She left and rushed over to a Tops supermarket in the heart of the Black community after hearing about a mass shooting. Upon arrival, she saw a body lying on the ground. Then she heard the stories of loss and trauma inflicted May 14 by a White outsider, who came to town to kill Black people.
Liz Bosley, 64, a member of Most Valuable Parents of Buffalo, an organization seeking to improve relations between local public schools, parents and their children, told The Final Call she was in the same meeting as Ms. Horne when word of the shootings arrived. She joined others and rushed to the supermarket.
Tops employee named Latisha told WGRZ that when an 18-year-old shooting suspect arrived at the supermarket on the afternoon of May 14 and began his rampage that eventually killed 10 Black individuals in what FBI Director Christopher Wray is calling "a hate crime and an act of racially motivated violent extremism," she tried to call 911 for help.
“I pulled up on the scene and actually saw them putting the young man in the (police) car,” Ms. Bosley said. “It was chaotic when I arrived. They were just releasing the employees and they all were coming out a back door, and the crowd got crazy because they had people in the store and didn’t know if they were let out or were in there dead. I had a childhood family friend who was killed in the store, Deacon Patterson,” she said.